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The Geneva Learning Foundation’s Privacy policy

The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF, we, our, us), is a Swiss non-profit Foundation specialized in digital learning and research with the mission to research, develop, and implement new ways to learn and lead. TGLF treats your personal data with security, respect and confidentiality, in accordance with relevant data protection legislation including the Swiss Regulation on Data Protection and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation.

This Privacy Policy applies when TGLF is the Data Controller, in other words where we determine the purpose and the means of the processing of your personal data. By personal data we mean anything which is allows you to be identified as an individual including (name, email address, postal address, telephone number, voice, actions, likeness, appearance, biographical material, and avatar).

In this policy we describe how we collect, use and share the personal data you provide us or we collect through our websites and online platforms. This Policy does not cover any third- party platforms or social media platforms with TGLF may use (Third Party Sites). For any questions in regard to the Third-Party Sites, please consult the privacy notifications of these platforms. TGLF is not responsible and has no influence on the content or privacy practices of any these sites.

If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, please do not use our TGLF websites, participate in any of our events, or share any personal data. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to us at [email protected].

This policy may be updated from time to time, so please come back and review it regularly if you have any questions or concerns.

What personal data do we collect and how?

As a learning and research institute, TGLF works by facilitating the collection of your knowledge and experiences, aggregating these into learning resources to be shared publicly, and enabling you to meet, connect, and learn with peers and experts. In fulfilling our mandate, we collect personal data from you in various ways:

Your responses to our surveys, signing up for an activity, or applying for a learning event

When you express interest in any of our activities or events, answer our surveys, sign up for our mailings or apply to our various learning events, we may ask that you provide us with personal and often employment information, such as your name, age, email, phone numbers, country location, organisation you work for, and similar information. We will also record details on which activities or courses you showed interest in. We use this information to tailor the information we send, and for the management and provision of our events.

If you participate in our activities, such as learning events, we also often ask you your opinion on your work place, your work challenges, questions around motivation, learning culture, as well as invite you to share challenges, lessons learned, potential solutions, and other information or insights which could be useful to others focused on similar challenges. Some of our questions are mandatory (as necessitated by our activties). If you refuse, your submission can not be further processed by us. Other questions are voluntary. We ask that you share only what you are willing and happy to provide. In our surveys and application processes we may also ask you to share an image of your work, which could serve to inspire others. We will use this information in aggregrate, anonymous, and/or pseudonymous format in research and learning activities. We also ask for permission to give you the credit for your ideas and contributions, and explicitly ask for your consent to having your name and/or image associated with your contribution. If you consent, we will share your contribution publicly under your name and/or image.

When you participate in any of our online or in person activities, including as an expert, learner, or partner

In participating in any of our learning events, through our various platforms or in person, all what you say or contribute (oral or written), including your images on screen may be recorded and made publicly available. Written comments, oral statements any information about yourself you share or that TGLF shares in order to enable the well running of the event, is recorded, may be stored on our site and that of third parties and kept by TGLF to use in its research and teaching purposes. Recordings may be made publicly available to showcase and advance the work and activities of TGLF.

Please note that any information you share with another community member in a TGLF event or platform is no longer under the control of TGLF and could be shared by that community member.

When you apply to position with TGLF

When you apply for a position with TGLF, we may ask you to share the following information: your full name, date of birth, email and/or postal address, phone number, position/title, company/organisation, CV and references and motivation for applying to a vacancy. We will use such information as necessary for our Human Resource processes.

Information collected on our web site

TGLF also collects information through use of its website, including information automatically collected to help administer, protect, and improve our services.

  • Such information may include information regarding your device and use of the website, such as your IP address, your operating system and your browser activity, location of the device accessing the website, traffic data (including what pages you visit and time and date of your visit) and interactions with social media platforms) (such as sharing of elements from the TGLF website to social media accounts). This information may be collected through the use of cookies (small text files in the browser of your computer) and analytics. (Visit our cookies notice for more information)

  • information that you provide using for the purpose of registering with the website.

  • information about transactions carried out over this website (including your comments and messages); and

  • any other information that you send to the Foundation.

How do we use the personal data we collect?

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

A. Communication and Engagement

  • Send you requested communications or those that may be of interest to you

  • Invite you to participate in our learning events and receive our mailings and insights

  • Seek your views and feedback on our work and services

B. Access and Support

  • Facilitate your effective access to our websites, events, and platforms

  • Provide you with peer learning and expert support, including information, products, or services you requested from us

C. Research and Learning

  • Share your insights and stories for our research and learning purposes, including sharing these with community members and experts

  • Share your specific stories and contributions, associated with your name or image, only when you specifically allow us to do so

D. Event Organization and Promotion

E. Administrative and Legal

  • Carry out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into with you

  • Administer and personalize our website and the other platforms we use

  • Maintain administrative and internal records

  • Disclose or otherwise use your information when required or permitted by law

F. Employment

  • Process your employment application

  • Consider you for future suitable vacancies

On what legal basis do we process your data?

TGLF processes your data in accordance with the Swiss Regulation on Data Protection and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. Under these codes, your data is processed on one or more of the following lawful grounds:

  • Where the processing is reasonably necessary for our or a third-party’s legitimate interests and your privacy rights do not override this legitimate interest.

  • Where we have your consent (for example when you consent to receive mailings from us).

  • Where it is reasonably necessary for the agreement or performance of contract with you.

  • Where the processing is reasonably necessary to comply with a legal obligation which we are subject to.

Who has access to your data?

Internally, only TGLF staff or authorized consultants will have access to your data.

Like most organisations, we also work with data processors. We partner with other specialized researchers and suppliers to carry out further data analysis to advance our objectives. In most cases, we try to provide our data processers with aggregated/ anonymous data. But this may not always be the case. When personal data is transmitted we ensure that our partners agree to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law.

Likewise we may need to transfer your personal data to partners or contracters based in the United States of America or other countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). In doing so, your data may be stored or otherwise processed outside of the EEA. Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by putting in place required safeguards and standard contractual clauses.

How long do we keep your data?

We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected them for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or archiving requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period, we take into account the nature and sensitivity of your personal data, potential risks of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data and the purposes for which we process your personal data.

When we no longer need your personal data, we will delete your data.

What happens when we anonymise or delete your data?

When we anonymise or delete your data, we will ensure that it is no longer identifiable to you. We may keep anonymised data for future analysis on aggregated data so that we can understand our community better. This may be for research or statistical purposes, or for any other purpose, and we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

What measures do we have in place to protect and safeguard your information?

We take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.

The Geneva Learning Foundation will store all the personal information you provide on its secure servers.

Information relating to electronic transactions entered into via this website will be protected by encryption technology.

What are your rights regarding our processing of your personal data?

Information and Access

You have the right to request certain information about the personal data we hold about you. Furthermore, you are given the opportunity to verify your Personal Data and to access them.


You are entitled to request the correction of any mistakes or inaccuracies in your personal data provided we are able to verify your identity.


You are entitled to request that your Personal Data are fully deleted from our systems. However, there may be certain circumstances where we are obliged to retain your Personal Data.


You have the right to object at any time to the Processing of your Personal Data on compelling legitimate grounds relating to your particular situation. Any objection of this kind will be accepted if your fundamental rights and freedoms in question outweigh our legitimate interests, or the public interest, in Processing.

You also have the right to withdraw your consent and opt-out of receiving future information about TGLF.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or The Geneva Learning Foundation’s treatment of your personal information, please write:

  • by email to [email protected]; or

  • by post to The Geneva Learning Foundation, 18 avenue Louis Casaï, CH-1209 Geneva, Switzerland.

The Geneva Learning Foundation may update this privacy notice by posting a new version on this website.

You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.