Communication in the Digital Age

Taught by Mike Hanley, award-winning CEO of The Content Engine

Request your invitation and share your digital communication challenge










Learn how to tame constant change in your digital media environment

Everything changes, in real time, as the digital media environment shifts with technology, trends and events

  • How can you and your team be consistently prepared for the next shift in the environment?
  • What systems and processes can you put in place to actively monitor and respond to the changing landscape?
  • What is “social listening” and how can you use it to shape your messaging?
  • What skills do you need in your team?
  • How can you build your audience with regular high-quality content that showcases your values?
  • How can you give your team digital superpowers?
  • How can you ensure your team focuses on the quality of content, instead of the process of making it?

Meet Mike Hanley, your guide to digital communication

Mike Hanley has 30 years in digital communications.

Before founding The Content Engine, Mike was Head of Digital Communications at the World Economic Forum for nine years, building the organization's social footprint into the hundreds of millions. He and his team won the European Media Communication Association Digital Communications Team of the Year in 2018.

Since December 2018, Mike has been building The Content Engine, a company whose mission is to be the world’s most advanced content agency combining technology and creativity for effective communications.

In this Special Session, Mike applies his deep knowledge of digital communications strategy and operations to your real-world challenges.

Stephanie Speck, Chief of Communications, Knowledge Management and ICT at the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

“Working with Mike and his team has multiplied the UNDRR’s audience into the hundreds of thousands. His approach has been a critical part of our communications success.”

Stephanie Speck

Digital communication is fast moving, complex and fraught with peril

Your digital communications are buffeted by external events like COVID, political or social changes, and also by changes in the broader communications environment such as social media platform algorithms, technologies and trends. 

All organizations struggle to keep up with this ever-shifting environment.

  • Messaging is amplified and twisted by social sharing and platforms that reward sensationalist content
  • Content is expensive, hit and miss, and internal resource intensive
  • Social platforms are always changing - every week dozens of new tools, techniques, policy and process changes are announced by the existing platforms, and new ones are being invented, surfacing and dying all the time
  • Managing digital is resource intensive and challenging
  • Advertising and marketing is a complex quagmire of competing claims on budget and management attention

Making an impact in digital communications is hard.

What is your toughest digital communication challenge?

Do you have: 

  • a knotty strategic or operational challenge your communication team is struggling with?
  • a complex communications situation your organization is facing?
  • an event coming up and would like to amplify and maximize its impact?
  • a story you would like to share with Mike and other participants of this session?

Share your challenge with Mike. He will select the most wicked ones for live problem-solving during the Special Session.


Learn how Mike Hanley and his team grew the World Economic Forum's digital communication

About five million different people a month from around the world visit the World Economic Forum’s website to read and share its content. That’s about a quarter of the traffic of The Economist and the FT…

Register for the Special Session to receive Mike’s lessons learned and recipes for success.

Dan Thomas

Dan Thomas, Chief Communications Officer, United Nations Global Compact

“Mike has an amazing brain for content and its production. Working with him has helped us make the most out of our event content, garnering tens of thousands of views of our event videos.”

Want more than a single session?

Take Mike’s hands-on course to accelerate your communications career

The Foundation’s learning team has worked with Mike Hanley to distill 30 years of experience into a short course.

Everything in the course is focused on plugging you into Mike’s brain to solve the real-world problems you face – and connecting with other amazing comms people from all over the world.

Mike will teach you to:

  1. Tame the chaos with editorial purpose and calendar.
  2. Combine technologies, processes and editorial talent needed to scale up your own work or your entire communications team
  3. Fuse technology and creativity for effective communications

By the end of the course, you will have your own digital communication acceleration plan – and practiced the skills you need to execute it.

Course details

Length 2 weeks

Dates To be announced

Cost 950 Swiss francs


Get on the waitlist for Mike’s course

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Five reasons why you will learn faster and better with the Geneva Learning Foundation


  1. From desk to digital: Learning is moved from desk-based, classroom learning to digital; significantly expanding who can participate and opening global opportunities that are effective and COVID-secure.
  2. From presentations to peers: Rather than rely on teaching by presentation, the learning environment is transformed to one that is led through discussion and peer-to-peer exchange, supported by high quality, evidence-based content. This form of learning has been shown to be significantly more effective than presentation-based methods, with higher knowledge retention and greater follow through to application in real life.
  3. From individual to community: Most learners leave the classroom alone. Learners on the Foundation’s courses leave as part of an active and engaged alumni, committed to tackling previously intractable challenges, connected through technology and able to provide each other with support and practical solutions.
  4. From repeat to reach: Evaluations have shown that rather than continuing to repeat the same mistakes and repeatedly get stuck at the same levels, Foundation alumni are able to do more, better, and faster.
  5. From interest to impact: Feedback from many ‘traditional’ courses indicates that good content can spark interest. But then it stops there. With the Foundation, the peer-to-peer approach means that engagement continues long after the sessions have stopped – turning sparks of interest into real impact for you and for your organization.