You are invited to a Special Event presented by The Geneva Learning Foundation
Radiation risk communication to improve benefit-risk dialogue in paediatric imaging
In this Special Event, three global experts will discuss testimonials selected from 533 success stories, lessons learned, and challenges shared by radiologists, radiographers, and paediatricians who applied to the WHO Scholar Level 1 course on radiation risk communication to improve benefit-risk dialogue in paediatric imaging.
- Dr Maria del Rosario Perez, leads the Global Initiative on Radiation Safety in Health Care Settings at the World Health Organization, focused on supporting the implementation of the Bonn Call for Action.
- Dr Don Frush is Chair of the Image Gently Alliance and co-chair of the global Quality Safety Alliance of the International Society of Radiology
- Dr Joanna Kasznia-Brown is President of the World Federation of Paediatric Imaging and Chair of Outreach Committee of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology.
This event was recorded on 2 March 2021 with 3,302 participants registered. We are now rerunning it every 4 hours.
What is this about?
The use of radiation in paediatric imaging saves lives - the clinical value of imaging involving the use of radiation for the diagnosis of paediatric illness and injury is unquestionable.
While every day applications of X-rays for medical imaging help millions of patients worldwide, inappropriate use may result in unnecessary and preventable radiation risks, particularly in children. A balanced approach is needed that recognizes the multiple health benefits, while addressing and minimizing health risks.
Patients and families should have access to risk-benefit discussions about paediatric imaging when, where, and in the way they need to best understand the information and to be able to use it for making informed choices.
Accurate and effective radiation risk communication is also necessary between health care providers who request or perform radiological medical procedures in children.
By enabling informed decision-making, effective radiation risk communication contributes to ensure the greatest possible benefit of paediatric imaging, at the lowest possible risk.
Who should attend?
This Special Event is intended for health care providers (in-service) as well as medical and dental students (pre-service).
You stand to benefit if…
- You are a paediatrician, surgeon, general practitioner/family physician, emergency medicine physician, physician assistant, nurse, or other health-care provider involved in the process of imaging referral of paediatric patients;
- You are a health-care provider who perform, support or direct imaging procedures in children (e.g. radiologist, nuclear medicine physician, medical physicist, health physicist, radiographer, radiological technologist, dentist, interventional cardiologist, orthopaedic surgeon, paediatric surgeon, vascular surgeon, gastroenterologist, urologist or other health professional performing radiological imaging procedures);
- You are a medical or dental school student, or belong to other academic and research institutions.
Key resource for this Special Event
Participants in this Special Event will receive the WHO guidance document “Communicating radiation risks in paediatric imaging: Information to support healthcare discussions about benefit and risk”. It covers:
- different approaches to establish dialogue in clinical settings including communication with the paediatric patient;
- practical tips to support the risk–benefit discussion;
- ethical issues related to the communication of radiation risks in paediatric imagingconcepts and principles of radiation protection, how they are applied to paediatric imaging; and
- key factors needed to establish and maintain a radiation safety culture in health care to improve practice.